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          1. 国产69精品久久久久毛片_久久久久久久精品动漫小说_国产中文字幕在线观看_中文字幕一区二区三区人妻电影_来一水AV@lysav


            Contact us

            Add: No.11, Tianxian Avenue, 
            Economic Development Zone, 
            Tianmen, Hubei, China 
            Tel: +86-728-5250888

            Your current location:Home>Products>Drawing Frame


            Salient Features:
            1.Complete modular designs, convenient for configuration and upgrade.
            2.3 over 3 draft system with upholding pressure bar and guiding top roller.
            3.Operating cover and middle cover can be independently opened, easily operate.
            4.Digital synchronous control, high driving accuracy.
            5.Low rotational inertial design, fast dynamic response, easy for precise motion control.
            6.Brand-new T/G roller construction with high measuring accuracy; Needn’t change T/G roller when feeding weight is changed.
            7.Reliable automatic sliver end-making/filter cleaning/loading etc. devices are available, higher automation level. Technical specifications:

            Range of Application Fiber length up to 76mm combed and carded cotton, chemical fiber and blends
            Number of Delivery Single
            The highest output speed 1000m/min
            Roller Dia. Top Roller ¢36 ¢36 ¢36mm
            Bottom Roller ¢40 ¢35 ¢35mm
            Drafting System 3 over 3 double zone curvilinear drafting system with upholding pressure bar and guiding top-roller.
            Total Draft (between 1st and 3rd rollers) Set by software (5~10)
            Can Size Input ¢400 ¢500 ¢600 ¢800mm Height 1100mm
            Output ¢400 ¢500mm Height 1100mm
            Feeding Form Positive feeding overhead creel with pressure roller
            Main Motor 3.5Kw
            Total Installed Capacity 10Kw (6.5Kw)

            Product components:



            Mobile platform WeChat platform
            Contact us

            General Manager office
            Tel:  +86-728-5250888     Fax:  +86-728-5250777

            Sales Office
            Tel:  +86-728-5250688     Fax:  +86-728-5250555

            Service Center
            Tel:  +86-728-5250868     PC:  431700
            E-mail: tmfj@tmfj.com  URL: m.szajlhw.com

            Copyright(C)2016,Hubei Tianmen textile machinery co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.  Supported by  ChinaTexNet TexWeb Toocle Copyright Notice

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                  1. 阿勒泰市| 双辽市| 竹北市| 西和县| 武穴市| 轮台县| 红桥区| 新野县| 增城市| 古交市| 西青区| 岗巴县| 贵德县| 余姚市| 绵阳市| 新河县| 富源县| 临城县| 新郑市| 荣昌县| 和硕县| 余庆县| 安多县| 石台县| 石家庄市| 怀远县| 溧阳市| 柏乡县| 巴塘县| 六安市| 堆龙德庆县| 犍为县| 赞皇县| 沁阳市| 香格里拉县| 林口县| 常山县| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 河曲县| 横山县| 固阳县|